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Mervanya - All of Fabric 6 lets Play

Myrrik & Mervanya playing on their own little server. As we play along, hopefully, you will get to see more of AOF6 as we go. Mervanya...

Friday, 31 July 2015

Hotel and penthouse with beginnings of town

 My last blog featured the Hotel with penthouse but there was much more to see.  due to issues with the video upload I could not get the full video loaded.

I have been able to fix this so you can now see a mini train station, the beginnings of a town, a restaurant and road with traffic.

I do have some mods to help me along the way however and would like to credit them here, I apologise if I forget any.

Tinkers construct
Carpenters Blocks
This took me around about a week to build in creative mode but as I mentioned previously this whole set up is going to be used as a PVP hunting ground once its completed.

I have put in a link to the video so feel free to try out some of the ideas, I keep them simpe as we play with our nine year old neice and she likes to use the ideas too.

Enjoy the video

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Ancient Egypt build

I am fascinated by ancient wonders, in particular ~Ancient Egypt so I decided to try and build some of them in minecraft.
I tried building on two different Biomes but unfortunately when 1.8 came about I opened one of them in the wrong profile and it literally fell apart.  The other build however has survived the test of time, so far, and is in the video link.

This was my second attempt at the great library which I was heartbroken when it fell apart, this is the price you pay however, when you mod your game and them open a save file under the wrong profile.  I tend to label them now with the version I'm using so as that doesn't happen any more.

This is the inside of the great library.
The video below shows my first attempt at building some of the Ancient Egyptian wonders.  Size comparisons are a little awkward but other than that it is a good practice run and still easy enough for kids to pick up. There are also other builds that are easy to build which I've written about previously.

Enjoy the video 

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Ideas for hunting grounds in Minecraft - Hotel and penthouse

Minecraft can be used for a multitude of different game play.
You can play as it was intended and try and survive by building a shelter before night falls and the zombies come out.  You can modify it and play hunger games, RPG,  drop puzzles, mazes or any other method of play you can think of.  If you are like me however, I love to just build.

I build Hotels, stilt houses, towns, villages, Trucks, lorries, and eventually I would like to build a full length orient express style train but I am a solo player most of the time so my projects can take some time.

I do have some mods to help me along the way however and would like to credit them here, I apologise if I forget any.

Tinkers construct
Carpenters Blocks

All of these mods add something to the game and if you have ever played the vanilla version of the game you will spot the items that are unavailable.  anyone who hasn't played or is investigating for child friendly games, all of the mods above other than NEI are used more for decorating and building than fighting.  Even saying that NEI can add monster spawners but this is no different to the vanilla version giving you the zombie eggs to spawn a zombie other than an actual spawner spawns more zombies.  I have to say that minecraft is not based around the monsters as you can always switch it to peaceful mode if you don't want your child playing the survival mode.

The video I have embedded below shows a four story hotel with penthouse.  Further video's will follow later that show the train line which takes you to the beginnings of a new town and a second train track that takes you to an area, yet to be built on. The whole project has taken me around a week to build on my own so far, but is far from finished.  The plan for this is to open it up into survival once its all complete so as my man, my niece and me can all play.  it a long term project but it's moving along nicely.