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Mervanya - All of Fabric 6 lets Play

Myrrik & Mervanya playing on their own little server. As we play along, hopefully, you will get to see more of AOF6 as we go. Mervanya...

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

D10 Minecraft Vlog

For just over a month now I have been running a minecraft vlog, not any vlog but D10 Minecraft. In this game, the dice decide what you can and can and cannot do.

So far I have found a village to build my base in, which was lucky.  I have farms already and a bountiful supply of food, to the west of this is a huge MESA which I have not explored yet.  If you want to find out a little more about D10 Minecraft head on to you tube and take a peak.  If you like what you see, click like, subscribe and wait for the derp moments, and there are a few :)

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Elder Scrolls Online crafting pt 1 & 2

Take a look at the crafting tutorials for Elder Scrolls online and get those skills polished  :)

Tutorial one gives you the basics: Woodworking, clothier, and metal working.

Tutorial two is for those that prefer the path of magic, with enchanting and alchemy being the focus here.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

My Christmas Redwood Tree Vlog with Random E

 Hi there to all you Casual Gamers out there.  Random C here, it has been a while since I updated anything here so I thought I better get back to it.

If you are looking for build ideas in Minecraft you most definitely have come to the right place.  I love minecraft, and the modding community that build wonderful furniture mods, mechanical mods, tinkering mods and of course the modders that added Redwood trees and Ruins.

My Favourite mods are Natura which adds the huge Redwood Trees, Tinkers Construct, and of course any mod that adds Christmas themes!  I whole-heartedly thank the people that code these mods, as they add so much to the game.  I will admit, my partner adds these mods onto my profiles for me, but, I am learning how to do this (slowly).Above, you can see my version of the Great library from one of my favourite builds, however this blog is more about Christmas themes.

I finally managed to work out how to use a condenser microphone and decided to talk about one of my builds, the Redwood Christmas Tree.  I tend to do all builds alone as I have OCD about them, as you will hear from my vlogging partner and Foster Daughter, Random E, in my vlog.  The Build took me around three hours and is part of a much bigger build 'The Hotel' , I hope you enjoy it and please leave any feedback here or under the video on you tube, vlogging feedback especially welcome as this is a new adventure for me and, I hope, not to painful for all you casual gamers out there!
